A review by aina21
Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine


This is a YA series at heart. It is remarkable in the fact that the series doesn't get worse as you on and isn't a Trilogy (ik ik a YA series that isn't a trilogy, is that even allowed?).

It has a gripping plot and is good at building suspense. There is a convincing system that needs to be taken down. There is also a found family trope. There is also a considerable amount happening at all times. But my favorite part is the system, namely the concept of the great library, and what would happen if knowledge wasn't accessible and the necessity to democratize it. I think that in this way it makes an interesting reflection regarding power and knowledge, the link, and how books can become a scarce commodity and function in the same way they do. The idea that one institution can control all information and what is accessible and what isn't (google I mean what?) is something that should be reflected on. So anyway I really like the world-building and the themes it builds into it regarding ideas of accessibility of information and power.

There is considerable diversity.

Some other points. There is very little character development, with characters doing the same thing over and over again. The romance is also mediocre, cause it just kind of happens.

I think though that overall the concept is interesting and I do think it's something light to read, and very enjoyable if you aren't expecting something groundbreaking. It is a nice addition to the YA genera :)

Also, I love how the author includes a playlist that goes with the book.