A review by emily_nelson
The First Collection of Criticism by a Living Female Rock Critic by Jessica Hopper


This should be required reading for anyone who wants to write about music, listen to music, talk about music, anything having to do with writing or talking about or experiencing music. Jessica Hopper writes with such precision and has that quality of all great music writers to use the exact word or phrase to nail an artist's sound that is just so satisfying to read. Furthermore, her writings on the business side of music, advertising, and the artifice and ambition of pop music are in-depth and fascinating. She writes not one, but three essays on Lana Del Rey, and by the time I finished I had changed my mind about hating LDR myself. As other reviewers (most famously Tavi Gevinson) have written, Hopper's writing makes music vital and reminds me why I listen to music and what it is we seek in listening. Highly highly HIGHLY recommend.