A review by fischers_reads
The Deviled Egg Made Me Do It by Holly Wilde



The thought of a deviled egg man was absolutely ridiculous but I obviously had to read it. These weird novellas are always so fun. The fact that there is a deviled egg man in Shelby’s house and she just puts him to work had me dying laughing. It’s like they never question much of anything. This deviled egg man (like there are more 🤣) has jokes and I really liked his personality. Wait… do eggs have personalities? See, this book is messing with my head now hahaha She’s so stressed out about having friends over to her place for a party that Damien (deviled egg man) really brings the fun to the whole situation. Damien has a “deviled dick” that’s as thick as a baguette and he has pubic herbs 🤣🤣 When he comes it’s yellow and that made me throw up in my mouth. This egg man cums into the deviled eggs (it’s the filling) that they are making for the party. Oh but it gets better or worse depending on how you look at it. Shelby says “hmm I didn’t know I had chives” oh sweetie, you didn’t. He’s cutting his pubes that just so happen to be chives and using that 🤢 No. No. No. Absolutely not. Shelby’s friend Michelle ask for the recipe and he says “It’s my secret sauce, babe. If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore”. THEN James says “These are the freshest chives I’ve ever had. Did you grow them, or did you pick them up at the farmers market over by the square”. Ohhhh if he only knew. To finish the scene Michelle says “so, what’s in this secret sauce? I’m pretty good at discerning flavors, and I’m curious if it’s nut-based”. Damien says “I guess you could say it’s something like that”. 

I’m done.