A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Ever Cursed by Corey Ann Haydu


From the moment I saw this book I knew I wanted to have it. Everything about it screamed my name. The fairytale like elements, the princess, the witch, the curse and the beautiful cover that is really intriguing and fascinating. I tried to get an ARC from Netgalley, but didn't get that one. I had high hopes the book would be in a book box, but that wasn't the case either. So, I didn't have much of a choice, I had to buy the book myself.

And from the very first page I was sucked into the story. Firstly because of the writing style. It's hard to describe why it worked so well for me. Most likely because it's not too flowery and complicated, but it seems to be written with emotion. It's not just about the words. It's also about the meaning behind the words, why the characters use those words or think those words. And yet, it still breaths the fairytale vibe. It was like reading an old fairytale.

What surprised me the most however was the plot. I probably missed it, but I loved the feminist themes in this story. And what I loved most is that the themes only become clear when we're further in the story. It's growing. We get the time to take in the society and world and then when we start to feel at home we're confronted with all its issues and problems. And just like in real life, once my eyes were open I felt the need to get back to all those old scenes and read them with new eyes.

It are however the characters stealing the show and leading the way. Both of our girls have so much growing and learning to do and it's so lovely to watch them grow and learn and figure out this world. I think both girls are in a way very different, just like all girls are different, and yet it's so beautiful to watch them getting to know each other, understanding each other and realizing that together that are so much stronger than apart.

If you don't shy away from feminist themes and love a fairytale vibe, this is the perfect book to get!