A review by ashlylynne
Scary Stories for Sleep-Overs by R.C. Welch


So, I decided to be 12 again for a night and read this short little book of scary stories. I picked this book up at a thrift store a while ago for around a quarter, and I’m still trying to figure out what made me buy it. Maybe it was because I’m a sucker for horror; Maybe it was because I was feeling overbearingly nostalgic that day; Maybe it was a yearning for the easy time of being 10 and not having to worry about responsibilities resulting in slumber parties every weekend. Whatever it was, this book was in my possession, so I read it.

There’s not really much to be said for a synopsis besides this is a compilation of scary stories for you to read with/to your friends at sleepovers. I would say the reading level of this book is easily 3rd or 4th grade.

Now for my short review.

This book was pretty mediocre, to be honest. Maybe it’s because I didn’t actually read these when I was a kid, but I didn’t feel like it was written all that well. I found most of the stories to have a decent amount of tension, but nothing that made me feel the need to read at a rapid pace. My heart was definitely not pounding in my chest. Now, I know these are written for a very young age group, but I always say that a great story should be able to be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age. And, regardless of my age, I didn’t really care too much for these. It’s pretty plain and simple; they weren’t awful, but they weren’t great.

Now, if you are looking for a recommendation for a book of good scary stories, check out the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Treasury (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/584460.The_Scary_Stories_Treasury). This was one of my favorite compilations when I was in elementary school (yes, the horror bone has occupied my body my whole life), still remains one of my favorite compilations (I still read it quite frequently), and I highly advocate for it. Please don’t get angry, though, if you read it and end up not liking it (I won’t be offended!), because that book, unlike the one this review is about, has some pretty serious nostalgia attached to it.

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