A review by natalie_grace
Daughter of Persephone by Helen Scott


2020 Review
Poppy was just a normal person working to scrape by in life. But everything changed in the most unexpected way. It all started with a magical necklace. Her powers are awoken, her heritage revealed, and her hounds find her. Poppy is not just a normal human. She is the descendant of Hades and Persephone, and the next queen of the underworld. Now all they have to do is find her judges and get to the underworld while dodging a goddess's army who is hellbent on killing the next queen of the Underworld. Simple right?

I was, once again, excited to read a book about Greek Mythology. But once again, I realized that there was pretty much nothing about mythology in the book. In fact, there was nothing in the book other than sex basically. I need at least some plot with my smut ya know? ;)

There always seems to be that one broody dude that is a total jerk to the girl. And this time it was Hunter. I really don't like him. His "im better than everyone and know everything" attitude was super annoying, and he was always whining about betraying Katherine for thinking Poppy would be a good queen.

Anyways, I still liked it as a quick fun read :)


Since she found a magical necklace in a thrift store, you could say Poppy's life has been turned upside down. Now she is the next queen of the underworld, has three, no four hot hellhound shifters to "bond" with, then add some really creepy white haired blued eyed somethings that is trying to kill her, Poppy's life just got a little bit more complicated. Will she be able to survive longer than the last queen did?

I love Greek mythology YA. And this book didn't disappoint. While I would have wished there was more of the actual mythological side to the story, I still liked it. I never read a book about hellhounds and I'm really excited to read the next book about them. ;) I wonder what is special about Nolan with his acid saliva and green eyes. I loved the guy's relationship with Poppy. It was hot, but they actually cared about her and were really protective. But I didn't really like Hunter. He was kind of a jerk to her. But he might be making up for that. At least he has a reason to be a jerk with what happened to the last queen and all. Can't wait to see more of Poppy's powers. Wonder what they are? And where are they going on the road trip? I think they are going to look for her judges. But it didn't actually specify. Oh well. Guess I'll have to read the second book to find out. Can't wait. :)))))