A review by dc7
Soul on Fire by Tal Bauer


SOUL ON FIRE is a military thriller in a foreign setting with a side of m/m romance.

We follow Elliot, an African American US Navy Seal, tasked with the extraction of a CIA team from Congo. On his mission, he meets Congolese doctor Ikolo who treats Ebola patients in his refugee camp clinic. While there is a developing relationship between the two, I don't know why so many categorise this book as a romance. The relationship is certainly not at the forefront of the story - in fact the characters only meet at around the 30% mark. To me, this is more military fiction or suspense than romance.

The descriptions of Congo are beautiful. I myself have spent some time in the country and this book was almost like a walk down memory lane, as I had been to several places mentioned here.

That being said, the pacing is a little slow and I didn't care to much about the story that unfolded. I read this book firstly for the Congo-setting and secondly for the m/m romance.