A review by katykelly
Final Five by Chris Smith, Greg James


Enjoyable episode, full of friendship and silliness (and a bit of X-Men).

Another adventure set in the school for superheroes, with Murph, Kid Normal, at the heart of things. A previous antagonist returns, the teachers are back, the friends are still close, and the humour is just as whacky as ever (the rabbit story returns!).

My son was laughing in the back of the car quite regularly, I enjoyed hearing the author-narrators talk to us and play with words. And I did like the idea from X-Men of people treated as lesser citizens because of their superpowers, with familiar villain Knox willing popular favour with his xenophobia.

A lesson for modern times, there.

Lots about working together and friendship, about appreciating your talents, and lots of fun as well. Well-narrated by the two writers, who are very easy to follow and brought out the humour of the text.

For ages 7-11.

With thanks to Netgalley for providing a sample audio copy.