A review by tabberz
More Than Possess You by Shayla Black


Received an arc to review. And this is my first foray into Shayla Black's book. And although this is a novella that's part of a series, I was able to enjoy this book as a standalone. I give it a solid 3.5 stars (rounding it up to 4).

Hayes Elliott is best friends with Echo Hope. They've been best friends since they were both the new kids in elementary school. And now Echo is graduating from college and they are celebrating by going to Hawaii, taking her as his plus one on a work trip.

Before they even reach Hawaii, Hayes learns that Echo is intent on losing her v-card and doing that with their mutual close friend (and not so secretly man-whore), Xavian. Now Hayes is hellbent on saving Echo's virginity so she doesn't regret any of her decisions and save it for someone she loves. But what happens is a week of him trying to not get turned on by the now changed (from hippy dippy to sex pot) Echo and keeping her busy and distracted to not even think about losing her virginity.

Hayes is a typical jealous male who thinks that because his father was a cheater that it's in him too. Echo is a fun and free spirit and sometimes doesn't even realize what she's got. These two are the best of friends and even in the short story, you feel how deeply they know and care about each other. We see the majority of the story from Hayes' point of view. Which was fun and different. I always love a male point of view story. We get a few chapters of Echo's side towards the end, which is nice for a change.

The story goes by quickly and easily enough. There are some points, especially with Hayes and his commitment issues, where you feel like it's the same ol', same ol' that we get in a lot of these types of stories. I think the most refreshing thing is to see this all (or most of it) from Hayes' point of view. I think it would have been even better if we stayed there. It would make it different from a lot of these same tropes.

The way this ties into the More Than Words world is small but sweet and it has to do with their friend Xavian, who is also on the Hawaii trip with them. As to not spoil it, it ties it into the world but you don't have to read that series to enjoy this book. And that's a relief to me since I had not read any of those books, so I never felt lost in this book.