A review by kimreads14
Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan

Did not finish book. Stopped at 63%.
I’ve decided to DNF this book at around 60%… 
It’s probably my fault but I assumed this book to be Adult but to me this read very YA. 

While I love a good YA book I just couldn’t let go of my expectation for the story  evolve into a more mature voice. When I say mature I don’t mean spicy. However, I am getting bored of the YA trop that shows perfect FMCs. FMCs who have no training and still end up being the best and strongest with little to no training 😒 

I also didn’t buy the whole love triangle so that’s that I guess 🤷‍♀️

I do want to give props to the author for creating a world that felt unique, but not special or interesting enough to keep me reading unfortunately.