A review by philippakmoore
The Behaviour Of Moths by Poppy Adams


A curious tale, and I had high expectations for it for some reason, but I didn't really enjoy it and it was one of those books I'd read a bit of, then put down for a few weeks, then come back to. I could see where it had enormous potential, but overall it just wasn't gripping really. The most interesting bit was the whole Arthur love triangle / surrogate thing, because I could not even IMAGINE being in that position and it was really interesting to read about, and Adams writes quite beautifully about the growing relationship between Ginny and her brother in law, and how surprisingly tender it turns out to be, despite the weird and undeniably awkward circumstance that leads them to getting to know each other better. But apart from this one moment of redemption, I found the characters extremely unlikeable!! Not for me, this one.