A review by tatterededges
29 Seconds by T.M. Logan


I quite liked this book. It was a quick and easy read and I really liked the premise. One name, no consequences, no comeback... would you? Would I? You're thinking about it, don't lie hahaha


I'm calling bullshit on nobody else witnessing the incident with the Russians daughter. She was stuck in traffic. That means a whole lot of impatient and bored drivers silently raging in their cars while straining their necks to see what the hold up is. Everybody would have seen it.

I'm calling bullshit on poor Yuri stuffing up the hit so badly. Firstly, isn't making people disappear his specialty? Secondly, If you've got a body in the trunk of your car, and you've survived more underworld shenanigans than the cookie monsters had cookies, you are not playing with your mobile phone at the traffic lights.

I'm calling bullshit on Sarah being any kind of real suspect. I don't believe for a minute that the police would have even given her a second look because there was absolutely no reason for them to. There was nothing connecting her to it at all. He wife or Gillian were better suspects.

The whole seen at Lovelocks home is just cringeworthy. It's almost as though that scene was written by somebody else. Both characters seemed to take on different personalities for that moment. Even as she was laying out the plan, I was thinking who would go along with this hair brained scheme? Certainly no parent or best friend that I've ever known.

The cat interrupting the rape with a half dead pigeon was just weird. You can't join together a graphically violent rape scene with bad slapstick comedy. That was poor form.

The husband. Why does this character even exist, let alone looming in the distance? I don't understand the point of this. He's gone but not gone. Why did he text her that one time? How come the police were able to speak to him but she couldn't?

It annoyed me that Sarah's character was so changeable. She's weak and whimpering one minute and driving her car into gangsters and telling a Russian criminal how to make somebody disappear the next.