A review by jscarpa14
Running with a Sweet Talker by Jami Albright


Mostly I Loved This Story

So the main reason I'm not giving this a top rating is when they finally hook up, the sex scenes drag on and on. It's not that there's a ton of detail or anything, it's more that if you get to a scene in a book where all you want to do is skim it or skip it in order to get on with the rest of the story, maybe that scene doesn't belong in the book. Some of the countless foreplay scenes of starting and stopping got a little old as well.

That said, the book is otherwise a complete gem. The large cast if characters all but leapt from the page. Even though there were numerous character's included each was unique and stood out separately from each other. With so many people introduced that in and of itself was a fete. The plot was hilarious, from the runaway bride in the opening scenes to the car jacking grandmas humor was rampant throughout the story. Albright also took time to make sure the reader knew theses characters had issues that needed to be dealt with before they could move forward and while the story does take place over a short few weeks it isn't Insta love. Besides the characters having history, living this journey with them you can really see them falling on love. The chemistry is evident from their first interaction, but it's the beautiful way you can see them crossing the bridge from enemies to lovers you can see the cracks in their walls, that's true talent for the genre.

I think sometimes we forget that romance isn't about the sex scenes or a writer's talent at writing them. Romance is about the character relationships and it remains one of the most popular book genres there is, despite all the judgemental commentary from people who've never read it, because properly portraying that kind of interaction between two people is exceptionally difficult. A well written romance never leaves the reader asking why two people end up together because it manages to show the little cracks in the characters' armor where they begin to let each other in. It displays with certainty how the two characters fit together. And when very few people can just give you a real answer about why they ended up with who they did, that's talent. Most people don't really know why they fell in love with who they love, they just know that they love that person. When you can't explain it yourself how can you possibly not be awed when another person demonstrates that emotion and it's beginning so well that you never doubt the happily ever after? Albright has demonstrated a true talent for really personifying love in the story and I'd definitely recommend it.