A review by cuppa_curiositea
The Boy and the Beast by Mamoru Hosoda



This is such an enjoyable read for all ages! I would honestly consider reading this to my kids one day, but it's sophisticated enough to keep an adult entertained also! At it's very core, I think that this book is about the importance of having both competitive and supportive relationships for our personal growth. I watched the movie just a couple days after I finished the book, and they are very true to each other (I THINK the movie came first?) and compliment each other very well. There are a few different details that were portrayed better in both mediums, so I'm glad I got to experience both to get the full picture!

My main problem was with Kaede.
I loved her character when they first met in the library, but as soon she got involved with the fight with Ichirohiko, I realized that she was just a flat archetype thrown in to give Kyuta a vague reason to start exploring the human world again. She makes this stupid speech at Ichirohiko about how he's "a monster consumed with revenge," or something along those lines, and I literally thought "What? You have no idea what's going on or anything about the Beast world, so how are you suddenly talking like a sage?"
Her character could have been really cool, but she became a plot device instead of an actual character, which bothered me.

Kyuta and Kumatetsu's relationship is honestly the major appeal to this story, both for the movie and book. There are a few major events and adventures, but they are given a surprisingly small amount of attention to keep the relationship at the focal point. I was fully convinced that the travelling to meet the different grandmasters of each city would take up most of the story, so I was very surprised when that entire adventure only got a few scenes in both the book and movie.

There are several English mistakes. Not sure if that was a writing, translating, or editing problem, but they are pretty noticeable.