A review by ameserole
Accomplished by Amanda Quain


I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Honestly, I really enjoyed anything related to Pride & Prejudice. So, I'm really happy that I got the chance to dive into another retelling of it. Entering into the world of Accomplished, I was pretty excited to get to know more about Georgiana. Mostly because we don't know much about her. Unless it was her aunt or brother praising her for being a good piano player.

So, getting this complete opposite version of the perfect Georgie was perfectly amazing. She was real and went through realistic problems that kids go through. Whether it's family, school, or guy problems - there's something easy to relate to.

I also really enjoyed her friendship with Avery. He just seemed like a guy that would help balance out Georgie. He was also on the team of hating all things Wickham. Heck, he's probably the president of the club. It sucks that him and Georgie hit some rough spots but I'm glad that they made up towards the end.

Then there's her brother, Fitz. I loved seeing his college life for a bit but also how him and Lizzie bantered. It was cute and made me smile. So, when Georgie sort of manipulates these two to being together like all the time. Well, I was definitely on board with them falling in love with one another.

In the end, the drama came, and I still despise Wickham. I'm also really happy that everyone made up towards the end too. If another book about Georgie ever becomes a thing, I would definitely like to volunteer as tribute to read it. Pretty please!