A review by sabbygee
Daynight by Megan Thomason


This review and more at Sab The Book Eater

I've always been interested to read YA dystopia novels because I think most often than not they have the key elements I look for in books: romance, adventure, (plenty of) twists and turns, and fantastic imagery. daynight met my expectations and more!

LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS. I'm not going to lie. What got me gripped was the instant attraction between Kira and Ethan. It was so genuine without going overboard turning to insta love... it's not like Ethan could do anything about it though, but I'm not about to spoil that part for you. Ethan... is it me or are hot guys named Ethan? Ha. Ethan seemed perfect right off the bat and I enjoyed their initial chemistry.

But then Blake came into the picture and I got confused as hell! Seriously. It's been a while since I've read a novel with a love triangle in it. If I remember correctly the last one's Twilight and I've read that years ago. But Megan Thomason just had to torture readers. She made two equally swoon-worthy male leads and I couldn't choose a "team." I really don't like the whole "I'm on Team ____" thing but at 60% I was all, "Is this the part where I choose teams?" I liked that even if they were polar opposites, I wasn't forced to like one over the other. You know how some books do that? That didn't happen here. Sure, some things were total deal breakers but it wasn't like they were out of character so I wasn't left frustrated.

All throughout the story Kira's relationship with both guys deepened as they experienced more in Thera and I really loved how they both became Kira's support system. I loved Kira's tender moments with Blake and they way she was able to loosen up and enjoy whenever she was with Ethan. Now before you get the wrong idea, she wasn't dating both of them at the same time. It's... complicated. But of course, you'll know when you read it. It's not a Bella complex. It's just all part of the bigger story.

THE BIGGER STORY. This is where the all the fun starts. Somehow just when I start feeling like I have the slightest idea how the story's going to turn out, a new development comes up. It's typical in dystopia stories to have an oppressive government that has to be overthrown. But I think what made the difference in daynight was the multifaceted story line, essentially all leading to the same cause. I think that contributed to the story's richness. There are so many twists and turns in daynight but it was quite enjoyable! Everything fit perfectly in the story line.

AND SHE WRITES LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW. This is actually what made me rate this book 5 stars. I really enjoyed Megan Thomason's writing style. If you read the author bio below, you'll see she's fluent in sarcasm and boy am I glad! I liked that the characters spoke like real people but I especially liked their sense of humor. Even the notorious Brad Darcton had his fair share of funny lines:

"And how often do parents get to catch their grown son having a sleepover with his female 'friend'? I just love those awkward situations, don't you?"

Aside from that, I loved that the story's written in three different POVs. It helped me understand the story and the characters better. I really liked the flashbacks. Even though some were quite long, they were described so vividly; no time or page is wasted. Furthermore, the entire world and government of Thera was explained and described gradually which I think was a good move. I think if Megan just dumped everything in one chapter, that would've been incredibly boring.

OVERALL. daynight is definitely a must read. It was quite long but if I wasn't so busy with school work I think I would've been able to finish it faster - it's that engaging! It's the right combination of romance in a dystopia setting written wonderfully in a well-paced, mindblowing story. I can't wait for the next book!