A review by edresa
Born in Blood by Emma Dean, Emma R. Dean



Oh my goodness this book. I loooooovvvveeeedddd it so so much! This was a dark mafia paranormal romance which was just brilliantly-written. I truly have no words except that I liked this book more than I antticipated. Everything sent chills on my spine and made me bite my nails. It's not just the smut that got my heart beat raced, but the plot itself, which was fast-paced and thrilling. I couldn't stop reading.

Kira made the list of my top fave fmcs of all time. When writing a strong fmc, this was how it should be done. She wasn't just a badass because she was stubborn, that's a poor excuse. She was independent, strong, cunning, cutthroat. I really admire her character. So far from being a strong fmc who doesn't have the necessary background which Rika has. She has past trauma and I'm not saying that it was needed for a main character to be well-layered. What I'm saying was that it was shown how Rika came to be who she was, it wasn't just written like "she was like this just because" (ehem, ehem, Den of Vipers, anyone? lmfao).

My favorite relationship was of Rika and her brother, next to that was hers with Kai. Arsen Kaito my poor baby. He deserved all the love in the world and I swore if Aeron didn't get his sht sorted out for my baby by the second book, I'd riot. Aeron was okay, I mean, it was like he was the neutral grounds in which everyone else feels safe. He tried to pacify everyone and oh boy, does he need to.

Kaito was just as destructive and psychotic as Kira and that's what makes them perfect for each other. Of course, it was Kira who centers all the guys. For them to all come together as one, they needed Kira. She was like the one who bonds them together and makes the realize the depth of their affections for one another. Well, that is if Damien would only stop being such an a** and give in to Kira lmfao most of the times he was being a jerk just because he can't stand a girl besting him. I mean, come on, what is this, Damien? Do you live in the past? F*ck the patriarchy, I say to you. The tension between him and Kira was hot but his attitude made him my least favorite guy. He better grovel big time in the second book or else.

Suffice to say, I really enjoyed reading this book that I was just lost in the moment and couldn't be bothered with anything else including the freaking grammar and other technicalities. I loved how it was written in third person multiple POVs. I hope the second book would come fast because I cannot wait to read what happens next after that cliffhanger!