A review by jalynnschroeder
What Happened To You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing by Bruce D. Perry, Oprah Winfrey


Loved this book so much. I truly think everyone would benefit from reading this book!

A few highlights that give a brief look into the book that stood out to me:

“The brain is a meaning-making machine, always trying to make sense of the world. If our view of the world is that people are good, then we will anticipate good things from people. We project that expectation in our interactions with others and thereby actually elicit good from them. Our internal view of the world becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; we project what we expect, and that helps elicit what we expect.”

“Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different. But we cannot move forward if we’re still holding on to the pain of that past. All of us who have been broken and scarred by trauma have the chance to turn those experiences into what Dr. Perry and I have been talking about: post-traumatic wisdom. Forgive yourself, forgive them. Step out of your history and into the path of your future. My friend, the poet Mark Nepo, says that the pain was necessary in order to know the truth. But we don’t have to keep the pain alive in order to keep the truth alive.”