A review by lfinkenkeller
Last Dance on the Starlight Pier by Sarah Bird


This book is set in the Great Depression. It is the story of Evie Grace Drake who wants to be nurse. When things don't work out for her, she returns to her roots and finds work as a nurse for marathon dancers. It is here that she begins to find herself among the regular dancers. She is thrust into the spotlight when she helps Zave, the star of the show, survive the sickness of his partner by stepping in and dancing with him.
It was interesting to learn about Marathon Dancing and what the dancers had to endure to perform. It was also interesting to learn how the working man felt about FDR. She tells the reader that workers felt that they had found someone who actually understood their needs.
The theme of accepting people for who they are was much too explicit, and the book was a little too long. Overall, I liked the book, but I didn't love it.