A review by mojordan
The Alcazar by Amy Ewing


I think the author did a good job of keeping a mystery going throughout this duology. There was enough revealed that it didn't drag on, but still plenty that I couldn't piece together. I loved the idea of having people doing horrible things but maybe for a not so bad reason. The battle of loving them and hating them is always a fun experience for me. They were not fully forgiven or excused but just made more real. I thought the author did well with the characters. I feel the series was more plot driven but the characters were still presented well enough to really connect with them.

I have to say, one of my biggest critiques of this series is a bit silly but it drove me crazy. The "mantra" of Sera introducing herself was so obnoxious and didn't feel fitting to me at all. "I am Sera Lighthaven. I am Cerulean and my blood is magic." The first time was annoying, the 47th time was agonizing. I didn't mind Sera as a character but I was happy to see Leela become a bigger part of the story. She was more likable and fun to follow.

I did still find the romance in the series a bit clunky. It felt forced, like it was an element that had to be included but never felt right or natural - at least between Sera and Leo. Agnes and Vada were better written.

*minor spoiler ahead*

Another thing I hated was Ambrosine's death. It was sudden and anti-climatic, in my opinion. I did read this book very quickly, though, so that may have played a factor.

I did enjoy the book and series overall. I liked the concept and thought there were some beautiful aspects to the story.