A review by bookmaddie
The World of Tomorrow by Brendan Mathews


This took me awhile to get through, mostly due to its length and how busy I've been this month, but I finally finished it! This is a lovely historical fiction adventure story, and I found it really comforting to enter the world of late-1930s New York City. The World of Tomorrow follows quite a few characters, which I found distracting. Flipping between so many characters and their stories also contributes to the length of this book, which is a little on the long side. The ending was also a little odd. It came off more as the ending to a non-fiction biography, where the stories of each character were quickly tied up in short chapters and sections. The ending for each character also went a few years into the future, which I didn't find necessary or relevant. This method of ending seems impersonal and an odd break from the story, which was stretched out for so long. Still an enjoyable read, and one I found especially comforting during the winter time.