A review by reading_bunny
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Novel) Vol. 5 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu


My Ratings:
Writing: 5/5
Plot: 4/5
Characters: 4/5
Overall: 4.5/5

Favourite Quote:
"Hold me," Wei Wuxian pleaded.
"I am," Lan Wanji replied.
"Hold me tight!" Wei Wuxian then specified.
"I am!" Lan Wanji confirmed

Review/My Thoughts:
This review only pertains to the main story not the extras.

After god knows how long I finally finished this series! Gotta say, it was a delightful read from start to finish.

Wangxian's relationship is so cute and watching them be so clearly in love with each other since they were teenagers (and at least one of them being oblivious to it) and then seeing how it extended into their adult lives was fun even if it was the slowest burn ever and they were both so frustrating about it. As I said in my previous review of the 4th book, I respect the hustle so I can't even be mad.

Overall the main plot was great, it was pretty well paced and there was clearly a lot of thought put into it , with even minor characters and events from as early as the first volume coming back and playing huge roles in the overall story later on.

My one overall (not related to this book specifically) complaint is regarding the flashbacks. I know that they are necessary to tell the overall story and give relevant context as Wei Wuxian remembers things, but at times they felt too long and like some parts of it dragged on a bit too much for my own liking. At times throughout the story I found myself having to flip back and forth a lot to determine if we had wrapped up a flashback and were back to the main story of if we were still in the past and as a consequence of their length I did at times forget the present day plot, though I will take some responsibility for that last gripe, as there was a year or two length of time between me finishing the third book and picking up the fourth one, so I did naturally forget where we left off and had to re-read the last few chapters of book 3.

Truthfully I did not expect the sex scenes, but i do have to say that were were very well done and were enjoyable to read both as a little break from the tension of the plot but also as a form of relationship progression for the two boys and how they view their relationship.

I really enjoyed the main story, I think that while the ending was not exactly what I was expecting and did leave me asking a couple questions, it was a nice way to wrap up the story and left me rather satisfied with how things played out.