A review by shelbell31
Cinderella and Other Tales by the Brothers Grimm Book and Charm by Jacob Grimm


The fairytale “Cinderella” ( the version) written by the Grimm brothers is fairly different than the more recognized Disney film. It’s kind of a more depressing adaptation of the story and not the best for children; little harsh. (The deeper meanings). The reason for giving it only four stars is because of the lack of characterization and explanation to why what is happening, well, is happening. But then again this was wrote in the romantic period where characterization was not seen as important as describing the setting.
The story itself is fairly short with little detail. The main theme is too stay yourself throughout everything, don’t change. It’s a simple storyline, tragedy happens her mother dies she’s alone with evil step family who mistreat her and make her do everything. She got help from the animals and the tree (that represented her mother) to help her ready for the ball where she met the prince. He instantly fell in love with her until he eventually found her and wed her.
I did enjoy this story; short, simple, and not so sweet. I do recommend this to an audience that is suitable for the more violent parts of the story. Like for example in the end where the step-sisters has their feet cut on and then their eyes peeled out for their wrongdoings. But other wise it is an interesting adaptation of Cinderella.