A review by staceeyt
Beautifully Broken by Laura Lee


Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.


I KNEW HE WOULD RUIN ME FROM THE MOMENT WE MET. Everything about the man screamed confidence. Sensuality. Intelligence. Worldliness. But it was how he saved me that ruined me most.

Through him, I learned to end my path of self-destruction. I no longer needed to numb the pain with mindless one-night-stands and drunken blackouts. He made me feel worthy. Treasured. Optimistic about my future.

Here I stand four years later, in a coffee shop a world away, still broken…but beautifully so. My scars no longer hold me back. Instead, they give me strength and enrich my appreciation for the good things in life. I have hopes and dreams…faith that anything is possible. I am no longer the lost little girl fighting for survival. I have direction. I have courage. I am not without possibility.

I’ll always have Gavin to thank for that—Mr. Cooper, I remind myself. That’s who he is to me now: just a former teacher. I know what you’re thinking, but don’t worry. I was eighteen when we first met. Legally, we did nothing wrong. Morally? Well, I guess that depends on how flexible your morals are.

My name is Kat and this is my story."

first of all, this book consisted mostly of all the tropes that I hate.
1- Instalove. The connection between the two characters happened instantly upon meeting. That is not how people fall in love in real life and it irritates me that books place so much emphasis on it.
2- 'Special boy'. Kat has been through a lot in her short life: her mum is a heroin addict and dies because of an OD, she was a victim of child abuse and rape, she became pregnant at 15 and lost the baby. Falling in love will not fix all problems, yet this book turns this vulnerable young girl into another victim of this stupid trope. I like Kat as a character and I admire her for being who she is after going through so much turmoil. It's just damn right annoying that the thing to 'breaks her' is having to break up with her boyfriend. No. It's stupid and very two-dimensional.
3- Love triangle. Kat's best friend, Dylan is also in love with her, which causes tension between the characters. Again, seen this so many times it's boring.

This book is also unnecessarily long. It didn't need to be 50 chapters long, nothing really happened. The plot was predictable and follows every other book of this nature, with the exception of containing explicit sex scenes.

2/5* simply because I have to damn right hate the book to give it a 1*