A review by snaze6
The Outlaw by Jennifer Millikin


I’ve been eagerly waiting for Wyatt’s story and it was so worth the wait. This story is so rich in the depth of emotions and character development. Wyatt is so much more than the bad boy, wild Hayden brother everyone seems to believe he is. He definitely is one sexy cowboy who sees more than most and has deep emotions.

Jo joined the series as a secondary character that Dakota befriends when she is in town to develop land for her father’s company. Jo pretty much flew under my radar, seen but not really someone I focused too much interest on. She is actually a very nuanced character with a difficult past that she has overcome. She was the new kid in high school when she was 16 and she quickly developed a crush on Wyatt. Now years later, she’s moved beyond her feelings for Wyatt (so she thinks) and is dating the ‘kind and good’ local banker.

I think this was my favorite book in the Hayden series. It has so much packed into its pages that I was thoroughly engaged from beginning to end. The story has angst, romance, family dramas, and lots of emotion.

I received an ARC from the author and Hidden Gems, and I am voluntarily leaving a review.