A review by gjeebus_k
Return of the Living Deadpool by Cullen Bunn, Nik Virella


This is what I hoped for... A sequel to the suprising 'Night of the Living Deadpool'!

The previous book ended a bit dull, with every zombie becoming 'Deadpool'. So now the people don't have to fear the zombies anymore. Now they have to fear a much bigger threat... Hordes of Deadpool!
Luckily, Cullen Bunn remembered what made the previous volume such a success. Not only the humor and gore matters, but a Deadpool who connects with someone is what I wanted.

This time, a young girl finds a Deadpool who is different than the others. He isn't interested in killing people, and seems to have a mind of his own. But how is this possible, when the original Deadpool sacrificed himself in the last volume?

And just like last time, it ends with an emotionally punch in the face. Another goodbye, with felt way more painfull than during the previous volume.
I still hope this one will get a sequel/spin-off. Why? Well, let me know when you finished it. And tell me you weren't moved (and maybe came up with a theory) by that ending!
