A review by meganmargoking
Doctor Who: Darkstar Academy by Mark Morris


This was an awful Doctor Who audiobook. Not the worst, but definitely up there.

The narrator, Alexander Armstrong, who is the voice of Mr. Smith in the Sarah Jane Adventures, is terrible. He doesn’t make any attempt to do the imitations of the Doctor, Amy and Rory, instead choosing to read in his own voice for all three with no discernation. It is beyond strange to hear Amy without a Scottish accent, even a bad one. He also doesn’t do a good job at inflections either. The Doctor’s cry of “No, no no!” is the same as Amy asking “Why don’t you move that horsey thing?”. Perhaps that is why he was cast as a robotic voice in Whoverse?

Morris’ writing does not save this one either, I am afraid.

This is set post series 5 since Amy and Rory are married. Yet in this adventure, Amy clearly has more affection for the Doctor than for Rory. In fact, she is very cold toward her husband, very being mean spirited. Nothing new is explored about the characters thus making it a bit boring.

The actual plot itself is rather horrible. Not throwing out any spoilers, but think of Will from the reboot Lost in Space movie (*crickets*) mashed up with bullying in schools. Yep. It is rather simple and bland.

What is good about this audiobook? I suppose I enjoyed Rory’s part. He played the part of a hero while still being Rory. Also, if Armstrong had done the Doctor’s voice better I would have liked that.