A review by crookedtreehouse
The Death-Defying Dr. Mirage by Jen Van Meter


Valiant's answer to DC/Vertigo's [b:Hellblazer, Vol. 1: Original Sins|9041662|Hellblazer, Vol. 1 Original Sins|Jamie Delano|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1320397955l/9041662._SY75_.jpg|74043458] is The Death Defying Doctor Mirage, a person who can interact with the dead. Her back story is pretty basic and tropey, but the plot of this volume: that she has been hired to complete a task that will also allow her to get in contact with her deceased husband (who also had supernatural gifts when he was alive), is more focused and human than almost any of the Hellblazer stories.

If you enjoy gothy romance books with a foot in Sandman, and a foot in those early 2000 call in shows where a complete fraud pretended to talk to your dead relatives, then this could be a five star book for you. It's well-paced, emotionally honest story that left me excited for the next volume.