A review by momosaurus
Heartmate by Robin D. Owens

Did not finish book.
DNF at 80%, although honestly I checked out a lot earlier than that. This book is the first of the series, so I expected to get an information overload with world and character building. What I did get is very little explanation of what is going on and why, just that it is the way it is because IT IS. Very much tell and no show. I just finished reading good sci-fi series so I guess my expectations is a bit high, but this book didn't even hit the half-way mark. The writing is sometimes confusing, unintentionally implying things, lots of redundant stuff, characters acting against their nature or common sense just to create drama.

As for the main characters, Rand T’Ash and Danith Mallow, I just couldn't get on board that train at all. They have no chemistry and no reason to be together other than they are Heartmates and that makes horny for each other. The author tried to make the characters unique with quirks and personality but they turned out more one-dimensional, stale, and annoying. Very, very annoying. Rand, the main male, is a nobleman from one of the prestigious houses of this world, but he grew up on the streets and had to earn his title back the hard way. He's not smooth with the ladies and has no idea how to court a woman. So hilarity ensues with his clumsy attempts to court her.... And Danith? She's just a mess. A hysterical, wishy-washy Mary Sue. I think 3/4 of the book is just because Danith being a selfish idiot, like how she rejects Rand even after she learned they are Heartmates because she's an orphan and wants to marry into a large family but Rand doesn't have any living family. Oh noes.

The only redeeming thing about this book is Rand's familiar, Xan, the mouthy and demanding kitty cat. And sadly he wasn't enough to save this book for me.