A review by madarauchiha
String Follow by Simon Jacobs

dark slow-paced
  • Diverse cast of characters? No


✨🌠 my about / byf / CW info carrd: uchiha-madara 🌠✨

only one other book has bored me as much as this one. That being 'snakeskins' by tim major.
oh good an omniscient narrator following along to a bunch of teens in high school. one is mentally ill and a couple are super rich and the rest i legit dont know. They're largely interchangeably and it's not just because they all have generic white people names. im not sure what the plot is. ita very meandering and rambling. slow paced. Is this scary? no. is it tense? no?, 

ok so I finished the book and this is the entire plot, this is your spoiler warning.
First 1/4 book is exposition on who the characters are. Then the psychotic kid gets into a car crash semi on purpose bc of his psychosis and beth whitegirl who was in the car with him survives, drastically changes her identity to the point of changing schoola and vecoming unrecognizable as her previous self. Peple from her first school thinks shes dead like the psychosis kid so they decide to hold a death party at her house. inexplicably the parents are absent. like everything else, this is a hige stretch of belief.

occasionally we get interruptions of rambling in all caps. ok whatever.,  you know those ramblings from Annihilation / the southern reach books? well it's like that. execpt instead of being purpsefully meaninglessly evocative, it's just 3chan levesl of edgy white boy self hate.

meanwhile tyler whiteboy who is attempting at a harem cult groupie thing migrated from squatting in one houses' basement to beths house. this happens on the same night as the death party. There's a fight. People die or dont idk im not paying attention. There's graphic violence, beth survives, the tyler harem is broken up, the death party is allegedly run by the other cult mentioned way earlier? It's not really clear and I'm not paying attention at all. Afterwards some of the kids get into a car together and they end up in a semi abandoned church that was mentioned earlier. That was were the half blood burst [?] cult was hosting its meetings. The book ends here.

oh also theres a prog rock singer who gets migraines and one of two female xharacyers chat him up. also theres a school shooting.

none of this is especially relevamt to anything else happening in yhe book. if youre into this sorta thing then i guess youd enhoy it. i dont care avout wgite people and i especaiily sint care avout this book or anythign happebing in this book., 

There's a lot of typos because I wrote this on my phone and I DO NOT give a shit enough to fix any of this. thanks for reading. even more thanks if you dO NOT read this boring ass fuck of a book. And honestly it's unforunate because the writting is pretty good! It's great, it's decent, it's got a surreal flavor to it and feels pretty tense at times. I just do not care about the plot or characters at all.

major arson, blood, bullying, car crashes, child death, cults, drug use smoking marijuana, fire, gore, mass shooting, medical content, murder, physical abuse, psychosis, rape, school shooting, sexual assault, suicide attempt, toxic friendship, toxic relationships, violence, gun violence

medium child abuse, self harm, sexual content

minor child death, colonization, genocide, menstruation, suicide

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