A review by samtee222
Devil's Child by Margaret Bingley


It was blah. I did not like the book what so ever it really wasn't all that exciting. I was slightly happy when I finished the book. It was boring at times and a down right snooze feast at others. It needed more of a plot.....mark that it needed a lot more of a plot.

It was about a woman named Laura and her dream was to have a family and kids but when she has her first born, Edward she senses something wrong immediately and she was right. The kid was down right evil. Laura tried and tried to get people to believe her but no one would listen. And the only guy that did, he was a doctor named Dr. Adam Castle, Edward killed. She just decides she will kill him and be done with him. She crushes up a lot of pills and puts it into his tea, but he knows she's trying something so he gives it to his sister and ends up killing her. Laura seeing that she killed the only child she really only loved she has a mental break-down, so her ex takes her to the hospital. Edward goes to move in with his father and his new wife and step-brother. The new mom is much more easier to control then his own mother, so the book ends with the reader knowing that the kid will get away with everything he wants for the rest of his life.

Moral of the story, sometimes the bad guy wins.