A review by medievaljuliana
Mister N by Najwa Barakat


This book is a difficult one to rate. I should say that the fourth cover blur is, in my opinion, slightly misleading, framing this story almost as a dark comedy. I guess someone out there might spot some dark humor across these pages, but that wasn't me. So, I was a little put off by the mismatch between the tone of the blur and the tone of the story I actually read.

It's also hard to write about it without giving away spoilers because so much of its impact lies in the twists and turns that, at first, you don't expect, and then you start trying to anticipate, only to be thrown a curve ball. The last 50 pages or so of the novel are absolutely chilling and the last page really ties everything together without ever trying to provide an answer to all your questions about Mr. N. I tend to really enjoy books that leave you scratching your head a bit, so I'm sold.