A review by kbecker40
Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture--And What We Can Do about It by Kate Harding


***MORE LIKE 4.5 STARS.*** This is a VERY thorough book, alarming and disgusting, about rape culture -- detailing how our society got to this place of justifying rape. It was very educational to learn so many ways we've accepted certain situations where women and girls get raped. Victim blaming, shaming, perpetrator saving -- all shameful ways this phenomena proliferated.

Harding does some amazing research and gives numerous painful examples of what has happened to women in this seedy culture; this book was published in 2015. The last chapter speaks of hope and what to do going forward. It came before the exposure of Chanel Miller and her book "Know My Name" - her case already seen and heard in the media. The travesty of justice that she went through is publicly known and would have made a valuable study, crucial to the themes in Harding's book.

The only criticism I had was that she often gets very snarky with her writing, surrounding factual research and examples of rape and abuse. I can understand that from a visceral level; it seemed at times to detract from the text though. But my criticism is weak and somewhat trite; this is a disturbing yet highly important book for all to read. I hope and pray that progress continues to be made in lifting up rape survivors stories, and defeating the comfort of perpetrators.