A review by kjersten
Woundabout by Lev AC Rosen


This book had an interesting storyline, but overall read strangely. It was clearly meant for younger readers, but I feel like it also somehow wasn't. I liked the character that used a wheelchair and thought that her setting/attitude was cool and refreshing! However, other parts of the book almost read a bit "political" to me, even with myself not strongly identifying with a party. It seemed like the author's goal was more to share his ideas than to entertain younger kiddos. It is good for books to teach life lessons and such, but it was integrated strangely and a bit too directly. There was also quite a bit of "telling" rather than "showing", and too many of the same "this child liked photography" and "this child liked architecture" sentences that were unnecessarily repetitive and didn't flesh out the characters in the way the author seemed to think it would. In addition, basic concepts were often over explained, even for a middle grade audience. I probably would not recommend this book to friends, but did think it was at least interesting enough to finish reading.

picked up at a little-free-library in IL and later returned to the same library in IL.