A review by loverofromance
Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning


Backstage Pass was a book that I first tried reading some time ago, and I ended up DNFing it at the time. I will be honest, back then, this book wouldn't have worked for me. I have become more open-minded in certain areas. And I am glad, as this book was such a better win for me. Even though it wasn't a perfect romance, I had such a fun time with this one here. It was truly delightful. I also loved the way in which we get introduced to all the band members and I am so curious for their books. Reading this one also made me realize why I love rock star romance so much, and I had a fun time seeing these two work their way together. I do think that the way some of the sex scenes are written, will be struggling for some readers. There is some voyeuristic scenes here, so keep that in mind before reading. Overall I had a fun time with this one and glad that I decided to pick this one back up! As it worked so much better for me the second time around!