A review by pam_h
Harbor by Rebekah Weatherspoon


2.5 stars

I think this would be more successful from an MF reader's perspective, just because the weak link is one of the guys. I never understood Shaw, and there's a big gap in The Feels department on his end because of that.

It affects his pairing with Brooklyn just as much (actually probably even more so) as his pairing with Vaughn, but the result is that Vaughn and Brooklyn *seem* like the stronger pairing at the end, even though I don't think they're supposed to? Based on the high ratings for this one, I'm guessing that's a bigger issue for me as an MM reader.

I liked the steam between the three of them -- and I was really worried, because I've never read anything BDSM with a female MC in the sub dynamic, and I already struggle with the subtext of that dynamic in MF romances *without* BDSM... -- but the bottom line is we never get answers about Shaw.

And it's a definite flaw in the writing. I'm sure it's much harder to fit three POVs in vs. two, but I've read lots and lots of polyamorous romances that manage it just fine. It was very clear with this one that the author had a much better handle on two of her three characters.

If you take out the prologue and the epilogue, it's a pretty condensed timeline, too.

It really needs a couple of chapters between the guys first meeting Brook and their reconnection with her that focus on Vaughn and Shaw's troubles after losing their first partner and let us understand where exactly Shaw's issues with letting people in come from and how Vaughn has come to a place of acceptance with them. Without that, there was just too big of a gap with Shaw to ever fully enjoy this.