A review by sarahed
Pathfinder by Angie Sage


This new book from Angie Sage is set in the world of Septimus Heap with new characters. Seven years after the end of Fyre, we meet Alice TodHunter Moon (Tod), learning about her heritage as a Pathfinder. Soon we are pulled into a world of adventure as the evil Garmin take away her friends and then come for her. Many of our old friends from the Septimus Heap books join us for the ride.

The book starts quite slowly and has the feel of a middle-grade read. As the adventure with Tod progresses, it feels simple and straightforward, and things happen a little too easily for my liking. It feels like things are being brushed over for the younger readers.

Once Septimus and his friends come back into the story the plot is taken to a new level, and it becomes clear how Tod's adventure is tied in with the plan of an evil emperor to steal the fabled Orm's egg, a source of power. The latter half of the book is equal to the Septimus Heap books in excitement and pace.

If you haven't read the Septimus Heap books you would struggle with this one, simply because there is a large cast carried forward and you won't have a clue who anyone is, and you won't particularly care about them, not having gone through the history. So as a stand-alone book, especially for younger readers, I don't think it works that well. You must be familiar with this world already to fully enjoy the book.