A review by iamcurie
Ethisch Essen mit Fleisch: Eine Streitschrift über nachhaltige und ethische Ernährung mit Fleisch und die Missverständnisse und Risiken einer streng vegetarischen und veganen Lebensweise by Lierre Keith


Gourgeous book about how agriculture is damaging our ecosystems and annual monoculture are both a hazard to our health and our planet.

Sadly her whole approach of „why veganism is bad“ is given in a very hostile tone, she confuses her personal experiences with evidence (while curiously, at other parts she points at bad sience and correctly identifies small sample sizes as a reason why studies are not meaningful...) and seems to be rather ignorant towards many well reknown publications on the topic. Wish she would have just split up these two topics into two books - because the part on agriculture is very right and very important