A review by cristiangarcia
Rebel Talent: Why it Pays to Break the Rules at Work and in Life by Francesca Gino


I got this book during a period in which I'm not reading that much at all. However, I read the first couple of chapter on the tube and I was completely hooked. Francesca is a natural storyteller and the way she intertwine stories creates a sense of urgency I did not feel since Malcolm Gladwell. The book is filled with short stories that add up to larger blocks, from Massimo Bottura -owner of Osteria Francescana - to large software companies or startups, the book narrates and illustrates what makes a rebel. And is not a formula, is not a tick box, but a group of features, attitudes towards life and challenges. The book is uplifting, immersive and I finished it while traveling abroad. Can't wait for the next book by the author.