A review by alexauthorshay
Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror: Speculative Genre Exercises from Today's Best Writers and Teachers by Laurie Lamson


Considering the number of ideas I got for my novel simply from reading the mysteries book, I thought I would get more out of this one for the series I'm currently creating a world for. Similar to the last one, several of the prompts are similar in nature, though they are divided among more categories. However, most of the exercises deal with horror and screenwriting, with some science fiction and next to no fantasy. Though they are all lumped together as "speculative fiction", since there is a book specifically for screen writing, I personally feel jipped by reading about things that, as a novelist, have no relevance for me. Further more, each of the three genres have such a following and their own formulas that really they should get their own books, or at least separated sections within this book.