A review by rouver
Fool Moon: Volume 1 by Jim Butcher


This is another of Butcher's Dresden Files novels that's been adapted into a graphic novel. Again, it's like having an illustrated Cliff Notes version of the book. It's a good story, but you simply can't get as emotionally attached to the characters, resulting in less of an impact with big events that should pack a punch.

Dresden is called in to assist the police in a string of murders...all of the victims having been torn apart on the full moon. Surprise, surprise, we have werewolves in Chicago! As always, Dresden walks the fine line of trying to protect Det. Murphy while not keeping essential information from her that would help the case. There's the additional complication that the Feds have been called in and have jurisdiction.

They've pulled in a new illustrator, Conley. He does a fairly good job, but we still don't have anyone who can draw Karrin Murphy correctly...she continues to look like a blonde elfin supermodel. I love his werewolves & demons, though.

Again, if you want to have a quick synopsis of Butcher's [b:Fool Moon|91477|Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)|Jim Butcher|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1507307616s/91477.jpg|855288], this is a nice refresher for the plot.