A review by midici
Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey


The land of Terre d'Ange is one with a rich, complicated history and religion, one that winds its way through the story, the backbone that determines how each character lives and reacts to the plots that unfold.

Phèdre nó Delaunay is sold into servitude only to be recognized for her special gifts and trained as a spy for her patron, Delaunay. Hyacinthe is one of her only true friends, a half-blood traveller, with a gift for seeing the future. Joscelin Verreuil is reluctantly contracted to protect Phèdre, a bodyguard who does not like his charge or his work.

They are an unlikely trio, and one that is destined to save their homeland from a terrible fate, if they are brave enough to fight for it.

This is a dense, almost 800 page book with a lot happening. There's scores of background characters, names and places mentioned quickly and the plot moves fast once Phèdre is old enough to start working. I was swept up quickly into the world that was crreated and can't wait to see what happens next. If I have one complaint, it's that I wish there was a bit less foreshadowing. I don't need the author to stop the narration to point out "little did I know how important that fact would become," or "I would have treated him better if I knew what would happen shortly," - you can just drop the facts and trust the reader to be smart enough to pick up the threads as they go, instead of spoonfeeding us tidbits.