A review by kaixxx
Holy Smokes by Katie MacAlister


A brilliant end to this part of the dragon series. This was another great book that had me completely hooked and laughing out loud.

In this book Aisling is trying to get married but things seem to keep getting in the way. She is trying to get out of being a Prince of Abandon while being asked to give sacrifices, deal with being proscribed and then Drake goes missing. Not to mention that the red dragons are still trying to start a war and Aisling is still the mate of Fiat the blue dragon.

With the help of her Uncle Damien, Jim and Rene she finds herself running round trying to sort it all out with some hillarious results. Personally I found the chicken sacrifices the funniest part.

There is still some parts to the storyline that are left unfinished which I think makes you want to continue onto the next book. Like Drake's brother and the blue dragons which makes you feel that there should really be a fifth book In this part of the series. However it is still a good series that I would recommend. Look forward to continuing in the series. Xx