A review by andrew61
Murmur by Will Eaves


When I heard the short story from which this novel emerged when it was shortlisted for the BBC National short story award I was struck by the brilliantly drawn first person description of the effects of chemical castration upon Alan Turing and the events that had led to conviction for indecency. As society has changed over the decades the rehabilitation of this genius only compounds the horror and misery inflicted upon individuals by the state because of their sexuality and any resident of Manchester will see wall murals , street names and statues celebrating him which again seems somewhat ironic given how he was treated and his sad end.
This book is therefore a fascinating delve into a troubled mind as it expands on the short story to view the world through the characters mind and it is at time hallucinatory in format through the use of dreams and mirrors to explore a childhood friendship, the relationship with an adult lover, a scene at home with his mother and brother , through the use of letters the relationship with a woman to whom he was engaged.
This is not an easy read and listening to the author speak I feel that I have missed much on a first read which a better knowledge of Turing's theory would help, certainly mirrors and dreams as well as AI suggest the book uses philosophical ideas as well. Definitely an interesting read , deserving of a reread which left me intrigued but with a headache and at time scratching my head. Still I'd recommend it and doff my dunces cap to the writer.