A review by saidtheraina
The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Catherine Jinks


Read this book alternating between print and audio formats. Fun experiment - I didn't love the narrator (the Australian accent gets distracting at times, and Nina's wit didn't come across quite as well in her voice as in my head (when I catch my actor-self rephrasing jokes in my head as I'm listening, I know there's an issue). So, since I had a print copy already checked out, I decided to try reading it - and then I fell in love. I then went back and forth, skipping ahead to where I left off in the previous format. SO good.
Australians have a quirkiness that I love in film and print. I read Jinks other book "Evil Genius" and liked it, but didn't love it. Here (rare for a sophomore effort), I think she's come into her own. She reimagines the vampire genre (did you ever think about what a pain it would be to have to avoid all sunlight and miss half the day?) in lovable, approachable ways. Just the right dose of romance, unpredictable plot, sophisticated twists and turns. And a strong primary voice. Love this.