A review by michael_benavidez
Flowers for the Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn


This is dark fantasy. There is lore, there is a world that exists beyond the realms of this book, but this story isn't that.
The world is a backdrop to tell a personal story. We're given enough to understand the who and why, just enough to get us to the heart of the story.
But when I say dark fantasy I do mean dark. Zin E Rocklyn does not fuck around with her language here.
She weaves passion into each sentence, each detail that does more to paint the emotion rather than the scene, letting that give us the insight to the main character. Everything we see is colored by her hate.
I've read some reviews saying how it's an angry book, that it can be confusing because of the way she writes and structures the book.
It is angry, it's supposed to be angry, the anger is part of the story, and I think it being a novella helps concentrate that. It may make it difficult to read because of it, but it's part of why I was so intrigued. The main character is angry and she has reason to be.
As for the confusion, yes I can see that too. Comes down more to taste. I personally love these kinds of books, literary style in these genres. But for those that like it and seek it, this is a book for you.
There is no need to be subtle, there is no need to pretend like she isn't going to slap you in the face Because this isn't that kind of story. It's not to say that it's stamped in bold colors making it boring, but Rocklyn incorporates that into the story. We unfold with a fire that's been brewing for years, and we enter at the pinnacle moment of her life where everything is built up. Watch the explosion, relish in it, or run in fear. But don't be a coward and look away. This book is powerful.