A review by reason23
In Every Generation by Kendare Blake


As a Buffy fan, I really wanted to like this book. Clearly the author knows the show well. And I appreciate that she ignored the comic continuation, as I've only read a portion of them. I also liked that some of the original characters return, but mostly the OG scoobies are just referenced often. But the book as a whole reads like published fanfic. It was a way for the author to show how much she knows about the show. The book frequently took a break from its narrative to remind you of something that happened back before most of these characters were even born. But my biggest issue with this book is that it introduces a scenario in the first 20 pages, the slayers were attacked and no one knows if they survived, and then it doesn't confirm anything about that scenario. At the end of the book, you're still supposed to assume all the slayers died, and that's why a new one was activated. But it didn't confirm that, and it's a bold stance to kill off Buffy. But then it's Buffy, never assume she's dead for good. And an off screen death? I don't buy it. But in order for me to get behind this new slayer, I need to know one way or another what happened to the old ones. Otherwise I'm just waiting for Buffy to show up at the end to save the day.