A review by b00kwyrm
Blood and Iron by Jon Sprunk


Overall for me the story was good, but the problems I ran into were basically these two: It was another "powerless to powerful" story where of course everyone else saw how powerful Horace was except for Horace, and two: the characters were completely un-engaging. I read the book cover to cover and by the end of it I honestly couldn't have cared much less whether they all lived or got hit by a fourth wall-breaking bus. I don't think I'll be reading the sequel, but if I decide to I'll get it from the library so I don't have to spend money on it. If I had to sum it up in a word, it would be "dry."

One thing I did find refreshing was that one of the major side characters was gay and another was bisexual, but there was no sex in the story. It was nice to see LGBT characters and not have the sex overblown (I'm looking at you Mr. Morgan...). It's hard for me to find LGBT fantasy novels without it turning into LGBT "sexual fantasy" novels. I don't want to read smut, I want to read an engaging story with magic and dragons and stuff. *Climbs off soapbox but keeps it handy...*