A review by aer0chris
Hard Way by J.B. Turner


I got this book as a giveaway, so a big thanks to the publisher for hooking me up!

I’m a completionist and I generally dislike coming into a series midway through. This book was easy to jump into without much backstory needed. It has a simple plot line with pretty one dimensional characters. Our hero is the typical ex-military gruff tough guy. Russian baddies. It’s all been done before.

There was no surprise at the end, no real twists save for a couple betrayals. Again, same old same old. A lot of cheeks were blown out. Repeatedly. Some of the action was pretty good especially towards the end, but it all just felt pretty clunkily put together, almost as if the writer were just trying to push out another installment of an assumed fan favorite character. The dialog felt pretty bare and uninteresting. At least it was a speedy read.