A review by nothingamonth
Video Nasties by Duncan Ralston


Less Twilight and more Creepshow

Like any collection of short stories, there are going to be hits and misses. I think Ralston has some major hits in VIDEO NASTIES, and his misses were more bland than outright bad. He definitely starts strong with stories like "Cuttings", "How to Kill a Celebrity", and "Chompers." Weaker stories like "My Protector" and "He is Risen" fill out the middle before finishing strong with the titular "Video Nasties."

I think the comparison to Richard Matheson is inaccurate. To me, this felt less like The Twilight Zone and more like Creepshow or Tales From the Crypt, which is not at all an insult. These stories are sexual, gory, and provocative. That's nothing to be ashamed of. If you're a fan of 80s and 90s horror, you can't miss VIDEO NASTIES.